"...In theory we might be able to live in one of Thordarson´s womb-like lamps, what he calls "ambient presences" ... Even less surprisingly, this is design work that refuses to behave as it should..." Aðalsteinn Ingólfsson; p. 5-6.
"...présence réconforte par leur dose d’humanité tout en convoquant l’imaginaire mystérieux des contes enchantés. Les formes ...il apporte au design une démarche artistique proprement figurative, et offre à ses spectateurs-utilisateurs un brin d’émotion et d’humour..." Laetitia Wolff, p. 91.
"...suddenly the usual chair or table would become an island, or an iceberg adrift, ...would make them homeless but also home-making. In any place they are put, they would define a new cavity, a pseudo-dwelling, unreachable or uninhabitable, that signifies "home" without putting..." Pietro Valle, p. 35.

"Á kvöldin var setið langt fram á nætur og teiknað, hugurinn látinn reika um innviði ýmissa hugmynda, á milli þess að sinna námi. Smátt og smátt öðlaðist skilningur á rými við undirspil Pink Floyd, Brian Eno og lestri á þeim arkitektúrbókum sem komist var í. Kannski var eitthvað þarna, á milli slegins taktsins, í fleti tónanna, á milli orðanna..." Ólafur Þórðarson; p. 10-11.